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Jamaal Bowman

Bowman Faces Censure for Falsely Pulling Fire Alarm

Pleads Guilty to Misdemeanor

Censure Vote Expected Today

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Representative Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) pleaded guilty on Thursday to a misdemeanor charge of falsely pulling a fire alarm. The charge stems from an incident in January when Bowman allegedly pulled the fire alarm in the Rayburn House Office Building.

Bowman faces a censure vote in the House of Representatives today. The House voted on Thursday to consider a resolution to censure Bowman, which would be a formal rebuke of his actions. If the resolution passes, Bowman would be the first member of Congress to be censured since 2010.

In a statement, Bowman apologized for his actions and said he takes full responsibility for his mistake. He said he pulled the fire alarm because he was "frustrated" and "overwhelmed" by the events of the day.

Bowman is currently running for re-election in the 16th Congressional District of New York. He is facing a challenge from Republican candidate Anthony D'Esposito.
